
Ridgid 51917 508 1/2-inch Lever Bender

Now Cheap : Ridgid 51917 508 1/2-inch Lever Bender

You need Ridgid 51917 508 1/2-inch Lever Bender with keep price? We have fantastic deals for Ridgid 51917 508 1/2-inch Lever Bender. It is highly affordable price currently.

Cheap Price Now! Ridgid 51917 508 1/2-inch Lever Bender !!!

** Product Details : Ridgid 51917 508 1/2-inch Lever Bender

  • Unique two-stage handle design and rollers in the bending handle combine to produce high quality bends with significantly less effort than with conventional benders
  • Specially designed for bending stainless steel, titanium and other types of hard tubing
  • 1/2" capacity
  • 1-1/2" bend radius
... [ read more ]

** Ridgid 51917 508 1/2-inch Lever Bender - - Review by Christen

I received Ridgid 51917 508 1/2-inch Lever Bender - item not too long ago. It has worked exactly as advertised. Excellent unit. User welcoming to the point that I did not require to read through any information to operate. Checked the distances with other products and seems to be very legitimate. Thrilled I made the order. I would highly recommend this product to you.

Buy Now! Ridgid 51917 508 1/2-inch Lever Bender